
Since 1992


The Sociedade de Construções Acácio Baptista, Lda was founded in 1992 and since then with a full view to achieving recognition and quality to be a reference in the construction market. When this company was born, was fated to success because of the large experience and management capacity from its owner Mr. Acacio Baptista.

The success of this company is also due to rigorous selection of professionals, cohesive structure and responsiveness of the required deadlines. Today we are about 88 employees in service and our turnover is around 6 000 000.00 €. The philosophy of evolution of the company is governed by a sustained growth, economic and financial strength.

Certification ISO 9001

On our way to progress and prosperity we obtained during the month of August 2011 certification under ISO 9001.
Certification in Quality proved since the beginning of 2010, a primary objective of SCAB, and after a year and a half to organize procedures, SCAB managed to get that much desired certification.

Certification EN 206-1

On September 30 of 2011 SCAB obtained Concrete Plant Certification.
The certification under EN 206-1 and ISO 9001 was possible after a great effort of all employees.
According to data provided by APCER, the SCAB was the first building company in Vila Nova de Gaia that has a certified center of concrete and the first construction company to obtain this certification during 2011.
SCAB are proud to have reached another goal.