Suppliers Evaluation

26 Apr Suppliers Evaluation

The Sociedade de Construções Acácio Baptista, lda, is pleased to inform all this suppliers, which has a Quality Management System (ISO9001: 2015), certified by APCER.
These certifications are intended at ensuring the satisfaction of our customers, for the improvement of services rendered and their environmental performance. The existence of a certified Quality Management System (ISO9001: 2015) is based on a set of principles that the Sociedade de Construções Acácio Baptista, lda, defends and implicate to comply with through its Quality Policy. These principles in turn are based on the regulatory requirements that will have to be fulfilled for the maintenance of the certification.
Thereby, to meet one of the requirements of the Quality Management System (ISO9001: 2015), Sociedade de Construções Acácio Baptista, lda, had to implement a methodology to evaluate its suppliers. This practice will be systematized from this moment, so we will inform the criteria that will be evaluated in each supply:
• Service in the placement of orders
• Easy to place orders
• Product Quality
• Diversity of products
• Compliance Documentation
• Fast delivery times
• Compliance with deadlines
• Handling complaints
• Treatment of Guarantees
• Financial conditions


  1. The Sociedade de Construções Acácio Baptista, lda, communicates the supplier evaluation methodology to its suppliers, in the case of old suppliers by letter, in the case of new suppliers, the evaluation form is written in the e-mail of the negotiation.
  2. Each Department evaluates its suppliers according to:
    a. The Suppliers are annually evaluated by the purchasing department with the technical department’s support in accordance with the supplies, taking into account the criteria explained above.
  3. If the following values are assigned according to the degree of compliance, the Value Range is between 0-10;
    a. 0 to 3 – Bad;
    b. 4 to 6 – Satisfactory;
    c. 7 to 8 Good;
    d. 9 to 10 – Excellent
  4. Suppliers will be qualified according to the result obtained. The results will be communicated by Sociedade de Construção Acácio Baptista, lda, internally, acting in conformity therewith.
  5. Qualification Result
    a. <50 Rejectedb. 50-70 Conditionally Approvedc. 71 to 90 Approved with average performanced. > 91 Approved with Good performance
    “To inform that all suppliers start with an evaluation of 100.”